Jeremy Newman of BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK is a trailblazer as a managing partner who blogs regularly, primarily about the audit market in the UK. He’s recently won the job to be BDO International’s new CEO starting in October 2008.
Jeremy has been emphatic about getting the message out about audit choice and pushing BDO further into the market for large public company work.
A post he made about trusting people not to waste time on Facebook while at work, and being against the trend to ban it in workplaces, was quoted by yours truly in a post I made a short while ago that caused partners in my office sit up and take notice.
I wonder when others high up in accounting firms will join Jeremy and make blogging part of their regular routine. Communication skills are going to be key to his success in the new role, but judging by his blog, BDO will be in good hands.
pictures please, and a blog entry. (great job tonight)