Who audits Google?

Sometimes I wonder to myself who audits this company or that one. I thought I was the only one, but apparently I’m not.

I track search terms used to arrive at this site using 103bees.com. It’s a good complement to Google Analytics. One of the latest questions someone asked, and came to my site seeking the answer, was “which accounting firm audits google?”

Well, intrepid reader, wherever you are, the answer is Ernst & Young.

Google went public in 2004, and their annual reports since then are available on their Investor Relations website.

In auditing, the audit report date is the date on which fieldwork is substantially complete. I think it’s interesting to note from Google’s 2004 Annual Report, the audit report is dated January 28, 2005 for a December 31, 2004 year end. That’s a really tight deadline, and I would imagine some late nights were involved.

I’m heading into a job on Monday that is very tight deadline-wise as well, and there will be some late nights there and lots of accompanying Thai takeout eaten. The job lasts for three weeks and is essentially an early taste of busy season. Blogging may be affected.

Anyway, the 2005 audit report is dated March 10, 2006, a much more manageable schedule. The 2006 report is dated February 27, 2007. Interesting that it has shifted around so much over these three years.

4 thoughts on “Who audits Google?

  1. Ooh, I love guessing games. Re: the 05 vs 06 shifts, 11 days isn’t that much of a change, and that looks like a pretty ‘typical’ report date.

    I presume the Jan 28 was because of some special first-year needs. I guess there was no comparison to prior year’s public statements? Dunno if that’s supposed to make the job easier or harder though.

    A busy job so soon for you? Welcome to my world. Except of course, for the fact that in “My World” busy season started in the summer. I should see some respite in December, and then I get to relax a bit.

  2. Thanks! I work at an audit firm and was wondering who the auditors for Google are. I typed in ‘who audits google’ and yours was the first result!

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